Have you ever been driving along and suddenly realized that you're going the speed limit... in a school zone?
Maybe you've gone to put your foot on the brake pedal... only to find that it isn't there. Or maybe, you've been minding your own business, when all of a sudden, you're jinxed!
If any of these things have happened to you, then you've probably fallen victim to one of the most common curses out there. don't worry though, we're here to help.
In this guide you will learn about 5 of the most common curses, how to avoid them and how to remove them.

The 5 Most Common Curses
1. The Common Speed Limit Curse
This curse usually strikes when you're least expecting it. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden, you realize that you're going the speed limit... in a school zone! If this has ever happened to you, don't worry, you're not alone. In fact, this is one of the most common curses out there.
The best way to avoid it is to always be aware of your surroundings and to know the speed limits in all the areas where you'll be driving.
2. The Lost Footwear Curse
This curse usually happens when you're in a hurry. You go to put your foot on the brake pedal... only to find that it isn't there! If this has ever happened to you, don't worry, you're not alone.
This is actually a very common curse. The best way to avoid it is to always be aware of where your feet are and to make sure that they're properly positioned before putting your foot on the pedal.
3. The Jinx Curse
This curse usually happens when you least expect it. You're minding your own business, when all of a sudden, someone says something that jinxes you! If this has ever happened to you, don't worry, you 're not alone.
This is actually a very common curse. The best way to avoid it is to always be aware of what people are saying around you and to try not to let yourself get too caught up in what they're saying.
4. The Chipped Nail Curse
This curse usually happens when you're trying to do something with your nails. You go to chip off a piece of nail polish... only to find that your nail breaks! If this has ever happened to you, don 't worry ,you're not alone . This is actually a very common curse . The best way to avoid it is to always be careful with your nails and to try not to use them as tools .
5. The Spilled Drink Curse
This curse usually happens when you're trying to enjoy a drink . You take a sip of your drink ...only to find that it spills on you! If this has ever happened to you, don't worry , you're only human. This type of thing happens to everyone from time to time. The best way to avoid it is by being careful with your drink and try not to move around too much when you're holding it.
How you can get rid of a curse hanging over you
There are several other methods that you can use to remove a curse, including:
- Asking someone for help to remove the curse
- Performing a spell or a ritual to remove the curse
- Visualizing the curse being removed from your being
- Using positive affirmations to counteract the curse
- Cutting ties with the person or persons that have put the curse on you
- Seeking professional help from a spiritual healer or a psychic
The fastest and easiest way to fast track your curse removal is to use a Curse Removal service that is completely online (no need to visit a psychic or spiritual healer in person).
We recommend Priestess Faith that offer her Curse Removal Rituals online via her website.

These are just some of the most common curses out there. If you find yourself falling victim to any of them, don't worry, there are ways to avoid them! Just be sure to always be aware of your surroundings and know what's going on around you at all times.
And if all else fails, remember that these types of things happen to everyone from time to time so try not to let them get too much power over you! Thanks for reading and we hope this was helpful. If you wish to learn more about how to remove a curse, or the 4 signs to look out for to know you are cursed, feel free to browse our other blog articles.